Wednesday, September 2, 2009

save arkaroola forum a success!

the save arkaroola forum at parliament house - click to see the set of images on flickr The Save Arkaroola forum - held today in the rather grand Balcony Room at parliament house - was a great success, attended by a healthy selection of media representatives and a few dozen interested observers devoting their lunch time to the SA environment.

The forum was jointly hosted by Greens MLC Mark Parnell, and Liberal MP (and former party leader) Iain Evans.

the save arkaroola forum panel - click to see the set of images on flickr 'Surprising!' you might think. In fact, it was a day of 'strange bedfellows', given that Peter Owen from The Wilderness Society and veteran Liberal senator Nick Minchin were also on the bill! It's certainly not often that Greens, TWS, and Liberal politicians agree, but in the case of the prospect of mining the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary the message was clear; 'not here!'

As Iain Evans stated “We should simply tell the mining industry… go look elsewhere!"

Or, to quote Senator Minchin "As a conservative I believe there are things that deserve to be conserved …Arkaroola is one of them."

marg sprigg and senator minchin at the save arkaroola forum at parliament house - click to see the set of images on flickr Attendees were also treated to an enlightening short history of the Sanctuary - and a passionate defence! - from owner Marg Sprigg, an excellent short video presentation featuring some stunning time-lapse video photography, and a collection of beautiful large-format photos depicting the region lining one wall.

If you share the concerns of the panel and could spare a few minutes to send a short e-mail to Mineral Resources Development Minister Paul Holloway you'd be doing a lot to help ensure the preservation of the area.

Because - genuinely surprisingly - his department announced last week that it intended to renew Marathon Resources' exploration lease when it falls due on October 10th.

Correspondence doesn't have to be long-winded - believe me, he knows the issues! see the example below - it just has to be on his desk, or his desktop! Because in three weeks the formal notice period ends and the lease renewal is then a certainty.

Please direct it to -

The Hon. Paul Holloway
Minister for Mineral Resources Development
GPO Box 2832
via e-mail -

Example e-mail to Paul Holloway

SUBJECT: I wish to object to the proposal to renew Marathon Resources' lease in the Arkaroola Sanctuary

The Hon. Paul Holloway,
Minister for Mineral Resources' Development
Parliament House, South Australia

Dear Minister Holloway, I wish to formally object to your intention, as stated in public notices on the PIRSA website as of 27th of August, to renew Marathon Resources' (Bonanza Gold's) exploration lease in the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary.

I call on your government to act decisively to preserve the South Australian environment - just as Mike Rann did last year when he announced that Marathon's illegal dumping was unacceptable and that the company was henceforth suspended from drilling. Please review this decision and permanently remove Marathon's lease, and preserve this unique area from any future depredations by the mining industry.

Yours Faithfully,

Bill Doyle


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill
    I have tonight sent the following message to Minister Holloway:

    SUBJECT: I wish to object to the proposal to renew Marathon Resources' lease in the Arkaroola Sanctuary

    Dear Minister Holloway,

    I wish to formally object to your intention, as stated in public notices on the PIRSA website as of 27th of August, to renew Marathon Resources' (Bonanza Gold's) exploration lease in the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary.

    I call on your government to act decisively to preserve the South Australian environment - just as Mike Rann did last year when he announced that Marathon's illegal dumping was unacceptable and that the company was henceforth suspended from drilling.

    Please review this decision and permanently remove Marathon's lease, and preserve this unique area from any future depredations by the mining industry.

    In case you are inclined to discount my objection, because I am not currently living in South Australia, kindly note that I have family and friends who still live there, and I hope to return soon.

    Also, the Arkaroola Sanctuary is a resource of national significance - not merely something which the South Australian Government ought regard itself as having at its disposal.

    Once you let Marathon Resources in there, they will destroy forever, some of the oldest landscapes on the planet.

    Marathon Resources says it wants to establish one at Mount Gee in the heart of the Arkaroola Wilderness sanctuary - right on the route of the famous ridgetop tour!

    I think this is a terrible idea, and I am not alone in that belief.

    Please note that the issue is not just the proposed mine; as you can see current exploration activity is having a significant impact in this fragile region, already under serious stress from 9 consecutive years of drought as global warming makes its mark.

    Professional revegetators remain highly sceptical of the potential of 'site restoration'.

    Clearly the best way to protect this beautiful region is not to disturb it in the first place.
    I fail to understand how our 'environmentally aware' state government can condone this madness.

    Minister - you have the power to stop it.
    Do you have the integrity to do so?

    Yours Faithfully,

    Denis Wilson
    PO Box 3158
    Robertson NSW 2577


thanks for your contribution - bill - i'm genuinely sorry about having to switch on the 'moderation' process but comment spammers have really been cluttering up this journal!